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How to Make a Minecraft Pe Adventure Map TUTORIAL

How to Make a Minecraft Pe Adventure Map

If yous want to create a challenge map, but don't know how, or need some pointers, read through this tutorial.


  • 1 Planning
  • 2 Types of Challenge maps
  • 3 Tips and tricks
    • Customize the Superflat world blazon
    • 3.2 Brand a spawn area
    • 3.3 Add together bonuses
    • iii.iv Make obstacles
    • 3.v Add a kick-death
    • 3.6 Add a permanent decease
    • three.7 Brand dungeons
    • iii.8 Add some fancy stuff
    • iii.9 Make a dominate
    • iii.ten Other tips
    • three.11 Firework finale
    • 3.12 Texture Packs
  • 4 Puzzles and Traps
    • iv.1 Ideas
      • 4.i.1 Basic parkour
      • four.1.2 The Cakes Are A Prevarication
      • 4.1.3 That Hurt!
      • What Tiles?
      • Be Flamin' Careful
      • 4.1.six Be smart...
      • 4.1.7 It's in my way!!!
      • four.1.viii It's just H2O!
      • four.1.ix Creepers
      • 4.1.ten Sand Falls...
      • 4.1.11 Run Fast
      • 4.1.12 Test Your Brain
      • 4.1.13 Door Explore
      • iv.1.14 There! Oh, no, never mind.
      • four.1.15 Indiana Jones-ing... again...
      • 4.1.16 Indiana Jones-ing... a 3rd time...
      • 4.1.17 Indiana Jones-ing fourth fourth dimension
      • 4.1.18 Falling Floors
      • 4.1.19 Push Encephalon Brew
      • 4.1.xx Minecart Mania
      • four.1.21 The danger chests
      • 4.1.22 The ender puzzle
      • Invisibility Cloak
      • 4.1.24 Block Shaft
      • 4.1.25 Splitup path
      • 4.1.26 RUUUUUNNN!
      • four.1.27 False trap
      • 4.i.28 Chain reaction
      • 4.ane.29 Funbox
        • four.1.29.ane Types of funboxes
      • 4.1.30 The sudden ultimate death "Peaceful" map
      • The Exam Serial
      • iv.1.32 Bullethell
      • 4.1.33 Elytra Crawlspace
    • 4.ii Some redstone tips
  • 5 Multiplayer map ideas
    • 5.1 Gold Rush
    • 5.2 The EXTREME survival challenge
    • 5.3 Hopper Ball
    • v.4 1v1 PVP
    • 5.5 Extreme Raid
  • six Multiplayer arena ideas
    • six.1 Custom Skywars
    • 6.2 Farthermost Dark Survival
  • vii 12 Pyramids
    • vii.1 Setup
    • 7.ii Customs
  • eight See also

If your map is going to be more than a sequential bunch of random puzzles, information technology is very helpful to plan out your map in advance. Though a programme can range from a simple bullet list to a block-past-block blueprint of the unabridged earth, a good plan should include:

  • Theme of the map; what it will be about
  • Type of map
  • General storyline (if any—used more for story-based adventure maps)
  • A basic outline of what traps, challenges and dungeons you will put in (what they are and where they volition be)
  • Basic blueprints for any large structures that will exist put in the map
  • Redstone contraptions tested in another globe.
  • Loot and rewards the players will gain along the way

Before you lot choose to make a challenge map, yous need to cull what type of map you want it to be. Here are some types:

A claiming map fabricated for players that go on an adventure in order to accomplish some goal. Most of them have the /gamerule keepInventory to true to make it easier. Due east.thousand.: Zombie apocalypse maps.
A map that's just made for parkour.
A survival world that is changed to make survival more difficult, or easy. A good example is the Skyblock map.
A map that's made for puzzles.
A Minecraft mini-game, showcased in the course of a claiming map.
Maps fabricated for PvP.
An arena with mobs spawning that yous must defeat.
A type of map when you need to survive falls in manner.
Capture The Flag
A type of PvP, only the goal is to capture the other teams' flag(s)
A map designed to have many different and random minigames that players can play.
Role-Play (RP)
RP maps are simulation maps that are related to jobs or situations in real life. These maps are all-time to be played in multiplayer.
Tycoon games is where you have some type of money-making machine, which you can upgrade over time to produce more money. You lot tin can use that money to build specific things in your map. For case, If the tycoon is a building, then y'all need to save (non actual price) $5,400 to build it. You know when a tycoon is finished when all the land plots are bought, and the map is filled in.

Customize the Superflat world type

Changing the Superflat options tin can make a adept Superflat survival world.

Make a spawn surface area

Y'all could make a spawn pad, a pre-made house, or annihilation y'all tin can think of!

  • Top tip: If players will be in survival, you must add spawn jails to prevent players from escaping! (see Tutorials/Spawn jail)

Add bonuses

Hide some footling rewards for the player. Extra surprises brand a claiming map heady and fun. Diamonds or emeralds work well, considering it tin can be a fun way to continue score. If yous want a surprise ending for the players to build upward to (literally and figuratively), brand the maximum bonus count a multiple of nine, only if the prizes are diamonds, gold, lapis, emeralds, or iron (mayhap fifty-fifty coal!) to make the necessary block; for others, information technology may vary.

Beacons give extraordinary powers, and so you can add together a mystic powers room. Power the beacon so that it produces haste, speed, force powers etc. You tin can also add an enchantment table, the experience farm outlet, and some positive splash potion dispensers (maybe add some negatives for the lulz.)

Make obstacles

Add pits, traps, and more to your map to make information technology more interesting and challenging. Check out the Puzzles and Traps department of this page for more than. Note that if you want to build something enormous and complicated, such as a giant slime dispenser of doom, you would probably want to take a lot of redstone and/or MCEdit knowledge.

Add a kick-death

If yous want to make a map to frustrate the player, make people who play the map get kicked by a actor with an optional reason. For example, use, "Yous are banned from this server! Reason: went to illegal bespeak." When the histrion dies, they are kicked out of the game for 1 minute! However, note that this is very hard to do in vanilla survival, without the /kick control being hacked.

Add a permanent death

Most challenge maps accept unlimited tries to solve a puzzle. Even so, if you lot make a tripwire that sets a new spawn point for players and the players fail, then they need to re-download the map. In the fail room, add a large game over sign and a bulletin saying:

Unfortunately, you lost all of your tries to complete and you need to re-download the map.

Alternately, you tin make a command block that prevents players from moving, as well as a command block proverb:

Game over. You must re-download the map.

This adds an extra degree of difficulty to the map. If yous want to warn the players so that they tin expect to re-download the map, take a command block say this at the start:

Warning! If you fail, and so it is game over and you need to re-download the map.

Then players will exist extra conscientious, especially in the "examination your brain" test!

Brand dungeons

Making pre-fabricated dungeons subconscious effectually your map can give players a very fun fourth dimension! Dungeons can be used especially when a player tin can get anywhere in a map, rather than on a set course.

Add together some fancy stuff

Use /give to "hack" stuff into your inventory. Monster spawners would exist useful for some traps or funboxes (3x3x3 spaces with walls of spawners), or just decorations. End crystals are elegant, but due to their obstructive and explosive powers, they tin be used as sorts of obstacles the thespian has to safely destroy. (Bank check out the "Wait earlier you Detonate" trap!)

Make a boss

Y'all tin can brand a boss out of redstone and dispensers. They are a keen fashion to stop any map.

Besides, you could spawn an ender dragon or a wither in a room. Just remember to use the control /gamerule mobGriefing false, so that the bosses won't be able to destroy blocks. Alternatively, add your ain boss. Customize your own boss mob by adding actress data tags (see Tutorials/Command uses). Even better, create custom mods with your ain made-upwards boss! Notation: To do this, you lot must be able to apply Java programming or data packs (see Tutorials/Creating a data pack).Also, you can download Mods To make bosses even ameliorate!

Other tips

Checkpoints tin be created by placing pressure plates, with command blocks underneath them.

You may even want to take secret button. For example, a player gets given a bow and some arrows, and if they shoot a push, a secret door or path appears, leading them to a bonus room. It is ideal, though, to take obstacles in the manner of the button, so have this into consideration when making the map.

Bedrock or barriers could encase areas where you do not want the player to escape from, and is a genius idea for spawn jails.

Firework finale

When y'all finally finish the map, yous can create a fireworks show for celebration. Hook upward redstone to some dispensers, craft up some fireworks, and then let them wing! Alternatively, you lot could only add some diamond dispensers. Either mode will look amazing, and are great ways to gloat the completion of a challenge map. If you don't desire to apply dispensers, use command blocks to spawn fireworks.

Texture Packs

Texture packs is a great style of making your globe different. It makes it unique, and fun. If you want to make your own texture packs, then the people playing your map will really love information technology more!


Bones parkour

Parkour over lava pit with chest.png
A parkour room, containing floating blocks over a pit of lava, that the thespian is expected to bound across, and a chest at the end as a advantage.
Make a large room and put lots of lava at the lesser. Then, identify down blocks over the lava, on which the histrion has to jump from ane to some other. Make a small alcove at the height with a chest in it, which is where the histrion must go to.

Any blocks sitting adjacent to the wall can be controlled with sticky pistons to extend so go back into the wall, to fourth dimension jumps.

"Tightropes" can exist made past putting strings of glass panes or iron bars.

The Cakes Are A Lie

Identify 5 cakes in a line over BUD switches for the player to eat. I of the cakes, when eaten, will push button upwardly a small chest expanse with valuable stuff. The remaining 4 will transport the player into a very deep lava pit! If you lot want, you can have a riddle written out on signs, and take the correct reply on the correct cake.

That Injure!

Create a tripwire hooked to an arrow dispenser that one tripwire claw is on. The victim will commencement running, and then get pushed down a hole, causing autumn/lava and arrow damage.

This trap is avoidable. If the victim runs fast enough and/or realizes, then the victim avoids the trap, but if you put a furnace facing in, the player might think that the dispenser is only an ornate tripwire dropping a prize.

What Tiles?

Create a room with a filigree of wooden and rock pressure plates. Just some plates are safety to the role player. For instance, wood pressure plates are safe to walk on while stone ones push the histrion into the Void. This can be achieved past using command blocks to teleport the poor helpless victims to y=-64, or just by setting the command cake to perform the control kill

Fire Maze.png
A like netherrack and fire maze as the one described in the text to the left.

Be Flamin' Careful

Create a maze with netherrack sides at ground level. Prepare the netherrack on fire. Players will find it hard to complete this maze without a scald. To stop them from jumping over the flames put some floating obsidian, bedrock, or terminate portal frame blocks, ii blocks above the maze path. To make it more challenging for the thespian, make it a maze that climbs upwardly and then add a lever with a sign saying "Trophy," which when pulled will create a lava flow that chases the player, who has to either burn down in lava or burn down in fire.

Be smart...

Put a difficult question to solve with 3 answers. To exercise and then, put 3 levers and 3 signs with answers. The correct respond will open a path for the player to pass. Others will throw lava into the room. Take reward of the fact that dispensers with buckets can place lava, and so suck information technology back up. Or, if you wish for a fancier way to kill your hapless victims, yous can always employ control blocks to practise cruel stuff, such as striking a histrion with a lightning bolt, or blow the actor upwards with instantly detonating TNT. Hither'due south the control:

/execute @p ~ ~ ~ summon tnt ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionPower:-x,Fuse:0.5s}

It's in my way!!!

In a very long corridor/mine, put a block at caput height and identify a redstone torch on information technology. Connect it to a sticky piston just below a huge tower of gravel! When the thespian breaks the torch block, the piston volition retract and the gravel will fall down! Alternatively, make a double Non gate (see Tutorials/Basic logic gates)leading to a command block that teleports the thespian to a Funbox room! Nevertheless, this tin be bypassed with ender pearls, but you tin can solve this problem by putting boulder on the lesser.

It'south merely H2O!

Make a path that goes slightly underground, then fill it to the ceiling with water. Add some air pockets so your players can exhale, using signs or open up trapdoors. Spawn some squid to badger players even more than. In third political party mods, you could make the squids hostile and brand them shoot ink to impairment and bullheaded the players. Or yous could become for a like upshot in vanilla Minecraft and take some control blocks that cause Blindness every time the thespian touches a squid. In addition, you lot could utilise pufferfish guardians, to deal harm, or maybe, even, a room with an elder guardian.


Make a BUD switch side by side to a bed that detects when a actor is in that bed. Hook it up to a command block that teleports the histrion to a bedrock room that you fabricated!


Creepers are squeamish for dealing with your challenge map victims but can blow upwardly parts of your structure, so endeavor edifice the creeper room out of obsidian and add some inaccessible charged creeper spawners. Alternatively you tin use /gamerule mobGriefing false to make information technology then that creepers, endermen, zombies, ghasts, withers, and ender dragons tin't damage the environment.

As well, y'all might want to drop the histrion into a pit full of creepers. Ane of the nice things about this is the pit gets bigger equally the creepers blow upward. Requite them a cheap tool such as an iron pickaxe, to kill the creepers with, and add together some small elevations or condom spots, or a complex redstone device that can make them invisible. You could too add a disabled "creeper generator" that adds in creepers, and the histrion has to break information technology to stay alive.

Look Before Y'all Detonate

Considering of the fact that end crystals explode when broken, you tin use these for your advantage when making traps on your custom map.

Put some lines of TNT underground, 1 block under the floor. Line these up to a fundamental end crystal obstructing the actor's mode. A simple lesson: look before you detonate something.

Sand Falls...

Tripwires are a very skilful tool and plays a function in this trap. Place a tripwire, and so wire information technology up to a set of pistons. Make certain that the tripwire hook is in a place where it'southward impossible or very difficult for the player to see information technology. When the player comes along, they will not run into the tripwire, so they will trip over the wire, and stumble into a pit that you made below the pistons. Brand it autumn into a ravine, a funbox or, if you are really hateful, an stop portal.

Run Fast

This trap takes advantage of the very fast speed y'all can achieve past sprint-jumping in a two-block high passageway. Outset of all, build a two-block tall passageway of any length yous desire. Put a pressure plate at the start of the hallway, and connect it to pistons that will retract the floor. Put in a delay, so that the floor volition retract simply later a sprint-jumping player gets through. If they aren't fast enough, they fall to the bottom and from there, it's upward to you what happens to them...

Test Your Brain

Put numbers along with the game that players have to remember, and so add a room to enter these numbers. If they get information technology right, they tin can motility forth. If not, they would fall into a mortiferous trap, such equally lava, cactus, or the void. Information technology is probably a good thought to forbid the players from going back to these numbers somehow, for case, using pistons to create a door that locks behind the players.

If in multiplayer, a proficient idea is to have one player could exist in the number room, and one could be in the question room. The one in the number room tin tell the person in the question room the answer, and then the one in the number room is stuck but he can utilise the tp control to teleport to the i in the question room and carry on (this will but work if cheats are on).

Door Explore

Make piston doors with multiple keys. 1 thought is to make an Stop Portal Frame with a redstone comparator adjacent to it, that must be activated with a subconscious eye of ender. Another option is to make a combination lock. You could also make one where the player must rename a stick to the correct name (hidden on a undercover sign!) and put it in a hopper breast, powering a comparator for the door.

In that location! Oh, no, never heed.

Make something similar Indiana Jones-ing. Put attractive blocks such as diamond/gold stuck to a wall. When the player touches it -pressure plate/tripwire etc. etc.- the block would come up to the other side and the player would fall into something dangerous of your selection, such as lava, the void, or the End.
You could besides make an observer organization to detect when the cake is cleaved. For instance, there could be sand placed to a higher place the object of value. When this object is broken, the sand falls down, and an observer get triggered as the cake falls downwardly. This could lead not the object of value, but the whole role player into the aforementioned sources of danger. (totally didnt copy mumbo jumbo on that one) (you lot did totally copied mumbo colossal)

Indiana Jones-ing... over again...

Now that dispensers can face upwards, fill them with arrows and put a force per unit area plate or tripwire on top for an instant semi-hidden trap.

Indiana Jones-ing... a 3rd time...

Put attractive blocks such as diamond/gold on a pedestal. 13 blocks beneath, place a piston that fires every and so often (ane second is good.) Because pistons can push a maximum of 12 blocks, nothing will happen until the thespian takes the block, because the piston will extend if they don't put some other block (similar sand) in its place. Connect the piston to a BUD switch to activate some traps and hope the players call up to grab their hat!

Indiana Jones-ing quaternary time

Put ii Lines of ladder over a big drop! You lot volition have to climb over information technology

Falling Floors

To make your level exciting, adjust a flooring of TNT, with gravel on acme. Then add a pressure plate on the gravel, so when you lot step on it, it disintegrates. Make some parts of the floor not fall (replace TNT with any other block), or a fail would render the level unplayable.

Push button Brain Mash

Use buttons, or perchance comparatored particular frames, for a simple combination lock.

Minecart Mania

Make a huge underground minecart roller coaster and give them a bow. Add some difficult to shoot wood buttons. The aim is to shoot all the buttons and get them all to activate, turning on an And gate that changes the track to the side by side room.

The danger chests

Kickoff, make full the first trapped chest with useful loot and then identify a block underneath the chest and and then TNT. Then place a 2d trapped breast two blocks away from the first chest and place a cake then a dispenser with flint and steel and then minecart with TNT underneath. Then place a regular breast 2 blocks away from the breast. Then fill it with useful loot. Add signs adjacent to the chests like: Armor/food/swords/advantage within!

Here's a side view:

The ender puzzle

The End tin can exist tough due to the dragon and endermen. If you want to make a grade, then direct it the cease portal and add a huge reward at the stop. Add together something that really helps them in the game like the Forcefulness V, full diamond enchanted armor, a stack of enchanted aureate apples, Resistance 2, an enchanted bow with arrows, to buy stuff they get 5 stacks of the stuff they need to use to buy and an extra reward for players, they get to go on their inventory! Impale the dragon first or you get spammed.

Invisibility Cloak

Make a long room (made of boulder or obsidian) filled with creepers. In the first, make a chest with a three:00 minute Invisibility potion. The player must reach the exit in time, or accept all the creepers explode on the thespian.

Block Shaft

Requite a few really strong hunger potions to each player. Make a huge vertical shaft of cake. The aim is that the players must drink potion and eat the cake to go downwardly to the next brain teaser. Optionally, to make this into a claiming, add lava coming down on them then they have to eat the cake rapidly!

Splitup path

This divides your players into smaller groups and make ii doorways and identify iron doors at the front. Then place pressure level plates side by side to them. Brand a different route from each other. Make certain all of them directly to the same finish line. Alternatively, you could make information technology that only i of the paths wins, and the other players will be turned into some fresh cooked meat by some lava. The surviving player is the "winner".


This is similar to the other i except add together some curves to arrive trickier and holes and blocks that vanquish you. Make a control cake that affects you with speed III. Otherwise, this puzzle will be unwinnable.

Fake trap

Put pressure level plates around a diamond block or chest, or make it look like there'southward redstone coming from a trapped chest. The thespian may think this is a trap, and may determine to quit the map.

Chain reaction

Yous tin can wire up your traps with some rube goldberg wiring. Too as looking absurd, some of these things can be mortiferous. Take Greenstone as an example; you could stack a lot of sand on the sand, and when it falls, the player volition fall through it and when it lands, they won't exist able to exhale anymore. Get as creative every bit possible.


Funboxes are 3x3x3 rooms of spawners that are very hard to disable.

Types of funboxes

Deathdome: Use MCedit or commands to make primed TNT spawners. Set them to 1 tick minimum and 20 ticks maximum. Fix to viii ticks every bit current time. Add a spawning range. Don't forget to comprehend the room with obsidian including the spawners or weep! When the players enter the room, hundreds of TNT will explode right into their faces! Add diamond armor for them.

Don't wait: Add together endermen spawners. Make the room out of bedrock. When the players expect at the endermen, they will assail them! Don't say I didn't warn yous!

Monster maker: Add together random hostile mob spawners. Then it will be chaos!

Meat room: If y'all are feeling nice, then add a reward with a funbox of pig spawners so players tin can kill them for food? Add burn down aspect swords or a furnace with a chest of coal. If you don't want players killing pigs, and so add a cooked pork funbox.

Potion funbox: Make a funbox out of positive potion spawners (add negatives for the lulz.). Too, put it in an enchanting room!

Buried alive: Make a funbox out of falling sand or gravel spawners. (Add the rare anvil.) Make full the large room with sand. Requite the players some rock shovels. Add blockades to the room. Ready the spawning cooldown to 4 ticks minimum to 5 ticks maximum. Set the current spawning cooldown time to 4 ticks. When players dig up the sand, the room will rapidly start to fill up up with sand and then they will die! Requite them one torch each to remove some of the gravel.

That hurt!: Brand an arrow spawner. This is ameliorate than the dispenser one since it has unlimited ammo. Add together leather armor for them.

The sudden ultimate decease "Peaceful" map

Make a detector that detects players that switched to peaceful, then create a control cake that teleports them to another room. Brand a sign proverb:

You have switched to peaceful and therefore you must complete this "peaceful" map to continue.

Make a command block that clears their items from their inventory. Make a new spawnpoint for the unlucky thespian in a bedrock room with no way out. Brand a map that is near impossible to consummate. (Due east.k. Parkour map.) Add a few pocket-sized rewards for the player to progress. Make the level actually long with no checkpoints. When the player reaches the cease, make a hidden button teleporting to the end of the adventure map in a good manner. (WARNING: Contains spoilers) In the bedrock room, make a sign proverb:

GAME OVER. You accept failed the sudden decease challenge on this map and you demand to re-download the map.

You could also take the post down after a certain corporeality of views is reached, then they'll never be able to download it again, allowing for bigger consequences if they fail the map.

The Test Series

Create a serial of challenges, where if y'all fail, y'all go teleported to the next test. But, if you win, you get a reward like armor and a sword. Later on a sure amount of tests have them go to the End and fight the ender dragon with their current equipment. This is a...


Use command blocks to shoot projectiles such as arrows and fireballs at the role player, or fifty-fifty spawn entire blocks of lava that the player needs to dodge. Custom death letters are optional but can be added.

Elytra Crawlspace

Create an upside-downward slab tunnel which is but accessible by using elytra. Fill it with spiders or silverfish to add some enemies to fight. (deprecated: every bit of 1.13, you can swim through, and as of 1.14, you tin can crawl through.)

Some redstone tips

  • Powering unpowered redstone that'due south next to floating sand, gravel, water, or lava, will cause it to irreversibly obey physics.
  • For a really dainty map, having a large amount of command blocks can be good, but non always. Sometimes 1 well thought out command tin be ameliorate than x useless commands.

Gilt Rush

This map is for getting equally much gold as possible. First, utilise commands to fill Y=one-Y=64 with stone, removing all ores and generated structure. Have i layer of grass blocks on Y=64, and turn off mob spawning and mob griefing. Set the difficulty to hard. Build a hollow bulwark cube, 2048*2048 (l*westward), all the way down to bedrock, and up to the world summit limit. And then, brand a layer of diamond blocks at Y=40, and a layer of gilt ore at Y=10. Have eight bedrock cubicles, one for each player/team, with two floors each. On the outset floor, of the cubicle, include merely an entrance to the barrier arena. Have six furnaces and a chest with mining supplies. Only include i fe pickaxe for each team member. For the residual of the items, add only i iron shovel, 1 stack of wood, cobblestone, coal, and torches, and two*(#of players) stacks of nutrient. On the second flooring, include a double chest, for all the gilt ingots. Take the judge in the centre of the loonshit with a 12 60 minutes hopper clock linked to bells around the whole arena. Comprehend 8 wither skeleton spawners with barrier in a way that lets the skeletons spawn. Give each person/team a sapling.

supercede wheat with sapling Layered Blueprint is corner of the arena


The EXTREME survival challenge

Create a superflat world and brand a 400*800 bulwark cage. Take the map on Hardcore mode. Add spawners for monsters that don't naturally spawn, such every bit vindicators, cave spiders, drowned, and a command block to summon a wither. At evening, bring in the contestants. Clear everyone'southward inventory and give each person a diamond sword, a full gear up of iron armor, and a bow enchanted with Power II and Infinity. Requite everyone an pointer and a shield. Don't forget to give anybody some blocks. When the competition starts the wither should be summoned. Accept everyone fight the monsters. Whoever is alive the side by side day gets a prize and tin keep the wither'south nether star and mob drops.

Hopper Brawl

Take a large twenty*xx flooring made of hoppers pointing at other hoppers, in a mode that at that place will be no dead ends, just a lot of space loops. When the game starts, throw a diamond into 1 of the hoppers. Scout the contestants open the hoppers to try and get the diamond. Whoever gets it volition win the competition and tin can continue the diamond.

The size of the arena depends on the # of players.

  • 10*10: 2-three players
  • twenty*xx: 4-8 players
  • 40*40: nine-twenty players
  • lxxx*80: xx-80 players
  • 256*256: eighty+

1v1 PVP

Take criminals go into a cage and give them sets of equipment. Picket them fight. The winner gets freed and can keep the equipment. Best for medieval cities. Have a moo-cow in the cage so the two people can get milk.

Equipment sets:


  • Power 7, Flame 2, Infinity bow
  • Iron sword
  • Iron armor with netherite chestplate
  • 3 potions of healing
  • 1 milk bucket
  • Shield with Unbreaking Iii and Mending

Melee Warrior:

  • Netherite sword with Sharpness Five, Fire Attribute 2, Mending (Sweeping Edge if in Java Edition)
  • Bow with Ability I, Infinity
  • Diamond armor enchanted with Protection Ii
  • 3 potions of healing
  • 1 milk bucket
  • Shield with Unbreaking Iii and Mending


  • Fe sword
  • 3 milk buckets
  • Shield with Unbreaking Three and Mending
  • Bow with Power I, Infinity
  • Fe armor with netherite chestplate
  • three potions of healing
  • 3 potions of regeneration
  • 1 potion of the turtle master
  • 3 splash potions of poison
  • iii splash potions of harming
  • 3 splash potions of slowness
  • 1 ender chest(
    • 3 potions of healing
    • iii splash potions of harming



  • Iron sword
  • Shield with Unbreaking Iii and Mending
  • Iron armor
  • two stacks of cobwebs
  • Fishing rod with Unbreaking III
  • Bow with Ability I, Infinity
  • 2 stacks of cooked cod

Extreme Raid

Have 2 teams split upwards past a loftier barrier. On each side, create a village, but don't requite the villagers defenses. The two teams should each protect their own side.

Like to a regular raid, simply more challenging. Best for Coffee Edition, because at that place are illusioners.

Farthermost Raid waves:

Raid Mobs Moving ridge 1 Wave two Wave 3 Wave 4 Moving ridge 5 Wave half dozen Moving ridge 7 Wave 8 Moving ridge nine Wave x Totals
Pillager 5 4 two half dozen 4 3 5 7 0 5 41
Vindicator three 4 3 3 4 5 2 7 0 5 36
Evoker 1 0 1 one 1 2 3 ii 0 3 14
Witch 0 2 two 4 3 3 3 four 5 5 31
Illusioner 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 three 2 13
Ravager 0 one one 0 1 0 0 1 4 3 12
Pillager riding Ravager 0 0 ane 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 vi
Vindicator riding Ravager 0 0 0 0 0 ane ane 0 ane 0 three
Evoker riding Ravager 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1 i 3
Illusioner riding Ravager 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Total ix 11 10 15 15 nineteen 17 27 twenty 27 170

Custom Skywars

Play on a skywars map or create your own. Build floating islands and accept subconscious chests. Requite everyone some bones armor.

Case First Island:

Example primal island:

Boodle tables: Tip: Scatter the items so information technology looks like a generated structure breast.

Starter chest

Add a stone sword, diamond sword, or diamond sword with sharpness 2. Add 7-12 steak and/or 4-15 bread. Add together an atomic number 26 block fifteen% chance. Add a bow 60% risk. Add 8-24 arrows, but if there is a bow. Add 1-3 gilt apples, 5% chance. Add 2-8 woods logs l% chance. Add three-15 woods planks 65% risk. Add ii-iv sticks 80% run a risk. Add together an enchanted gilt apple 1% run a risk. Add a water bucket 70% chance. Add two-4 pieces of leather (lx%) or iron (xl%) armor. Add fifteen-40 clay.

Middle chest

Add 2-4 iron (twoscore%), diamond with sharpness III + Fire Aspect I + Knockback I (thirty%), or diamond with sharpness 5 + Fire Aspect Ii + Knockback 2 (30%) swords. Add vii-12 golden apples. Add v-15 diamonds. Add together 1-iii netherite ingots 30% chance. Add 5-17 rotten mankind lxxx% chance. Add 2-3 potion of healing 60% chance. Add 1-3 fe blocks 60% take chances. Add 2-iii splash potion of harming 50% risk. Add 1-3 lava buckets 40% chance. Add 12-75 cobblestone 80% chance. Add 1 smithing table if at that place are netherite ingots. Add ii-4 bows, unenchanted (fifty%), power III (thirty%) + Punch II, or ability V + Flame + Punch Ii (xx%). Add 2-three enchanted golden apples 5% adventure. Add 2-six pieces of iron armor with Protection II (50%), diamond armor with Protection 2 (30%), or diamond armor with Protection Four (25%)

Hidden chest

Add 3-5 iron blocks, 65% chance. Add i-ii diamond blocks, twoscore% adventure. Add together 5-17 rotten flesh, eighty% take a chance. Add 4-7 golden apples, 65% run a risk. Add 12-75 asphalt, 80% take a chance. Add 1 bow with Power Ten, Flame Three, Dial 4, 5% chance. (requires cheats) Add together 1 netherite sword with Sharpness X, Fire Aspect Three, Knockback Iv, 5% chance (requires cheats) Add ten-32 tipped arrows of harming (50%) or poison (l%), forty% gamble. Add together iv-6 enchanted gilt apples, v% take chances. Add together 4-sixteen logs, 80% take a chance. Add together one-3 pieces of netherite armor with Protection Six, 5% run a risk. (Requires cheats)

Extreme Night Survival

Create a 500*500 barrier cage. Position all the players. Have command blocks hooked to redstone clock to summon powerful monsters, such as vindicator with Sharpness 5 axe, zombie in total diamond armor, skeleton with Ability Five bow, charged creepers, etc. Summon an ender dragon or wither as well. Keep the map on adventure fashion so people can't break the redstone.

Each player should have a full gear up of diamond armor, a diamond sword with Sharpness II, a bow with power Ii and Infinity, 64 steak, x golden apples, a water bucket, and ii stacks of cobblestone.

The players should fight each other and the monsters. The last person live gets to keep the players' equipment and mob drops.

Sample section: Targets are mob spawn spots.

Another thought for making a challenge map is something I like to telephone call 12 Pyramids. Here is how to make this exciting new game


Start, you go to a random detail generator that also gives blocks. Next, you create a superflat earth and fix the difficulty to Peaceful way. Without this, mobs volition spawn while the map is still nether construction. Then prepare a control block to give you lot infinite night vision for building in night places. Next, go to your generator and select 15 items to generate. Click "Randomize". Write down those items. Or not if you are running the generator on a different device. Render to Minecraft, and requite yourself one possible stack of each detail you just wrote down. Ok, there should exist plenty blocks in your invetory, and possibly fifty-fifty a consumable, armour, or tool. Go into survival fashion, and apply the items at your disposal to create a pyramid. Make sure to take rooms, halls and corridors, etc. This is ment to exist similar the Pyramids of Giza, or 12 or them. When you run out of placeable solid blocks, clear your invetory to brand it easier and refill from the listing. Make sure to put any non-placable items in whatsoever kind of storage system you get, for example, putting a wooden axe in a smoker would be good. Around the end level of each pyramid, become into creative mode and place a chain of control blocks that clear the player's invetory, teletorts him/her to the world spawn, and places a rock button at a spot. Relieve finishing the last control block for when you finish the next pyramid. Repeat this until you have a total of 12 pyramids, and have an iron door at the entrace of each ane. This makes them have to do the map in club, just brand certain you go out a stone button for them at the starting pyramid. And, if you are playing Java edition, you could make it so the world is a desert to add a theme to the pyramids. Shaders could brand information technology look much improve, however this volition fry your Windows. Kinda sorta reccomended. Utilise your interactable blocks wisely. For case, line some furnaces along a wall and hibernate a treasure somewhere in i. Or, if you accept observers, pressure level plates, dispensers and arrows, you could brand a trap. Also brand decorations, and if you have orangish and purple terracota, make a desert temple design. Avoid crafting anything any. You could make special rooms based on the materials you accept, for instance, turtle eggs could exist used in a hatchery, armour stands on an armory, etc.

At present that you got the nuts down, when you are done, set up the default gamemode to Adventure, destroy the Dark vision command block, gear up the difficulty to Normal (Or hard, for more than of a improve challenge, but non hardcore otherwise it might be a little too hard) and share it to the community!

  • Tutorials/Beating a challenge map
  • Tutorials/Custom maps
  • Tutorials/Traps


How to Make a Minecraft Pe Adventure Map TUTORIAL

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